Stop Why THIS is 10x Faster Than 4 Years of Film School
See why filmmakers are doing THIS instead of what everyone else doing: Things are a lot different these days am I right Getting a film education at a university was the acceptable path to making it in a film career. Heres why that may not work. I am not an overachiever by any stretch (I graduated high school with a 1. 8 GPA) but when I finally decided I was going to go all in and find a way to make a living in a creative career I applied myself. This thinking is what allowed me to excel in my film program. Most people did the bare minimum on assignments but I went above and beyond what was expected of me. I went in search of information OUTSIDE of the classroom and looked for any tip or trick that would gain me the advantage. I would then apply this to get practical experience. This paid off as I worked on and produced the best projects in my various classes. I count myself very fortunate I was able to land a film job fresh out of college but I know it w