WTC South Tower Construction Shots March 1971
Rawvideo clips show mostly the steel erection at WTC 2 (south tower) around floor 83, impacted by the aircraft on 9, 11. Maximum extension of WTC2 impact zone: 7785 floors. Includes : 1) aerials of twin towers being built, 2) placement and fastening of corecolumn sections, 3) fastening of corecolumn sections, core floor girders and perimeterwall spandrel splices, 3) transition points between boxshaped and wideflangeshaped corecolumn sections, 4) welding of mechanicalfloor perimeter panels and floor trusses probably on 77th floor, 5) and some interviews with iron workers. Compiled shots from two digitized 16mm( ) film reels (Aroll A686P29A Broll A686P29B ), produced for ABC News segment on construction labor costs. Reporter: Gregory Jackson. ABC News provides only one date as of March 30, 1971 for both videos on its archive website. It remains unknown, what date it actually is: Video recording date, production date or the airing da