Michael and Nikita, Everytime we touch
Please watch in HD ATTENTION: Disclaimer: I OWN NOTHING. All clips and music belong to their respective owners. Absolutely no copyright infrigement intended. Made for fun, not profit So I finally made a new vid. I m sorry it s so crappy. :, Seriously I have lost my inspiration. It s a Mikita vid, I thought I was never going to make one again. I guess 2x14 changed things FINALLY AN EPISODE WERE THE STUPID KID BITCH WERE NOT MENTIONED I could finally pretend they never happened lol. Also the new haircut, FINALLY It s friggin hot It so reminded me of S1 Sigh I miss season 1. Most EPIC season ever lol I loved the sparring scene. The parallels are awesome From no on I m just going to pretend the C M SL never happened. lol 2x14 2x05 for me. Anyway I should stop rambling now :P Hope you all like it Fandom: Nikita Characters: Michael and Nikita Song: Everytime we touch by Cascada Program: SV 10 br, br,