CANADA: Prime Minister Mackenzie King on election campaign (1937)
BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Canadian Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King speaking about upcoming trip and thoughts on the General election. Full Description: CANADA: Ontario EXT Canadian Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King speaking from the entrance of a train (Soundbite) (English) I am leaving this afternoon for the Maritime provinces and Quebec. I hope to visit shortly after, the Prairie provinces and British Columbia. If all goes well as I hope it may, I will be back in Ontario toward the end of October. I propose to conclude the campaign (indistinct) in our capital city on the evening of October the twelth. I have only one wish with respect to the General Elections, it is a wish which I believe we all share. It is that the General elections may hasten the day when there will be employment for all. When labour may be duly honoured and receive its due reward. When a man s worth wi