President Roosevelt Celebrates Birthday Lner (1938)
Titles read: President ROOSEVELT celebrates birthday. Washington DC, Columbia, United States of America. C, U of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt smiling. We then see his wife, Eleanor Roosevelt cutting a huge cake to mark the President s 56th birthday as photographers take pictures. A man offcamera asks the First Lady not to ruin the cake as they are going to send it to the (infantile paralysis) hospital. At the Waldorf Astoria Hotel (New York ) the President s mother, Mrs James Roosevelt, presides over a fundraising birthday gala with the proceeds going to Roosevelt s infantile paralysis charity fund. A huge birthday cake with (probably) 56 candles is seen, then high angle shots of the social set dancing to an orchestra a few brave ones attempt some jitterbug moves. At the White House we see men and women sorting through sacks of letters, containing hundreds of dimes for the appeal. C, U of Roosevelt making a short speech to camera, saying how deeply he appreciates all that the