Discussing Sexualization in League of Legends, , Discussion analysis
Join the channel discord: (25 uses only) Hashinshin s video: ADDITIONAL LINKS Lindsay Ellis The Male Gaze vs Men: Kyle Kallgren The Love Witch s Subtle Cinematic Subversion: Rantasmo Needs More Gaze: A Critical Analysis of Hot Babes: No, I have absolutely no shame about doing a sexy thumb for this video. Anyway, since people have been forwarding me Hashinshin s video, I felt like the useful thing I could do was to provide a general discussion of sexualization as a concept in character design, why it can be a problem or a benefit, and why it s worth being critical of. Try to be nice to each other in the comments. Or at least polite. Or at least not threaten each other. Twitter: Patreon: http:,