Battleship Montana: I need intelligence data World of Warships
Battleship Montana: I need intelligence data World of Warships WoWs replays best World of Warships games Montana: 248k damage, 8 ships destroyed World of Warships Montana is a US American tier X Battleship. The Montana is part of the US American Battleship line. ,WorldofWarships, WoWs, WOWsreplays One of the largest battleships in the world. She was slightly inferior to Iowaclass ships in terms of speed, but had more main guns and significantly stronger torpedo protection. Montanas armor was conventionally arranged and considerably reinforced. Battle Stats: Version: Server: NA Time: 24082023 18:55:54 EU TIME Player: jjcs1986 Ship: Montana Damage: 248868 Destroyed ships: 8 Map: Land of Fire Southern waters of Latin America: specific region, complex setting. Mods used for the replay recordings: WG modstation (calm sea, fog removed) World of Warships You want to send me your WoWs replay Requirements: +3, 5k BXP or +