Marilyn Manson Cupid Carries A Gun Music Video
Cupid Carries a Gun is a song by American rock band Marilyn Manson. It was released as the third single from their ninth studio album, The Pale Emperor (2015). The lyrics to Cupid Carries a Gun were the first written by Manson for The Pale Emperor, although it was the final track to be recorded for the album. The song was cowritten and produced with composer Tyler Bates, who was scheduled to begin scoring music for the US television series Salem shortly after work on The Pale Emperor was completed. Cupid Carries a Gun was still in an embryonic, draft stage when Bates started work on the score, who said that the track immediately came to mind when watching the opening title sequence to the show. After playing the sequence to Manson, the pair then began work on the track, which developed from its draft stage to the final album version over the course of a single night. The following day, Bates played the song for one of the