Warp Technique Wonderland Dub
Listen or download Wonderland Dub by Warp Technique from or Taken from Make Animals Happy : INFO For those who have seen their live show at festivals such as Sonica, Universo Paralello or Glade, the debut album by Warp Technique is a long awaited tonic. For those who havent, a world of pleasure awaits Sounding like a doubledipped Trentemoller, Warp Technique weave divergent genres into their psychedelic stew: the album opens with the eerie Softly Spoken Spell, full of sounds from an ambient jungle; Nowhere Dub lulls one into a trance with its seductive bass and soothing synths before the bassline heaven of Make Animals Happy kicks in. Nightbreak steps up the pace, progressing from a downbeat intro into a pulsating beast, complete with ol