Lucky Man An Emerson, Lake and Palmer cover by BONES one man band
I ve been fortunate to get to see both Keith Emerson and Karl Palmer perform in person but never did see the trio all together. My dad got me into them. The main instrument here I call the Keymando. it s a Squire Strat Mini converted to octave mandolin by MORTone and then to Keymando by me adding a keyboard. For drums I add piezos to my shoes which I wirelessly connect to a drum module so I tap my feet play the drums. There s some misstriggers so I still need to refine their build. no loops, backing tracks, or automation allowed in this project. It s all about being live technique. , keymando, loopless, onemanband, omb, music, mortone, octavemandolin, korg, nanokey, elp, luckyman