NS2 Gorgeous Update Release Trailer
We ve updated NS2 13 times since launch, but today is different. This is Gorgeous: Gorge Tunnels allow the update s namesake character to create fast passages across maps. Descent is a brand new battlefield, and the most visually rich map yet seen in NS2. Exosuit s may now attach Railguns, capable of disintegrating aliens in explosions of xenogoop. The Insight Spectator System has been revamped to significantly improve viewer experiences during eSport events such as the NSL Invitational Cup. And, the Spark Engine now supports First Person Spectating. Gorge s can now spawn Babbler s Viscious little minions that become your personal army. You can direct them to attack enemies, attach to friends (granting them protection from marine fire), or just follow you about like mini alien bodyguards. Graphics have been improved Spark can now render the blood splatter, bullet holes and reflections that really let you know your team is getting slaughtered. Every existing ma