Is Vaping Worse Than Smoking , Reacting to Your Medical Questions
Vaping vs smoking what vaping does to your body and is vaping worse than smoking Is vaping better than smoking nicotine cigarettes ER Doctor Jordan Wagner is back with part 17 of a real doctor reacts to your most shocking medical questions and comments in this funny video and educational video of ER doctor reacting to your most embarrassing medical questions from Discord. Dr. Wagner unpacks the effects of vaping and smoking tobacco, discussing ecigarettes and Juul, the impact of vaping nicotine, and whether vaping can lead to lung cancer. If you ve wondered about the prevalence of vaping in schools and how to quit vaping, this video might catch your interest. While it doesn t delve into how to quit smoking specifically, it provides extensive coverage on whether is vaping bad for you, and includes a broader discussion on nicotine, tobacco, and electronic cigarettes. Let Dr. Wagner know in the comments if he should make a video going into more detail OTHER DOCTOR MEDIC