Maya sings Buddy Holly (meh AI)
Last for Maya. Turns out I was wrong after all. Who d ve thunk Whatever. Done at the behest of a commenter who suggested the Good Life; sorry because this isn t the Good Life frankly don t know what happened there but also because I forgot your handle. Oops. I ll pin you, I promise. Honestly quite satisfied with this one. Sure, she flubs the pronunciation at some points (COUGH the chorus) and cracks a little at the end but she s intelligible throughout and sounds good doing it, no doubt because of the little extra work I put in. Apt too, considering she canonically listens to Weezer (that s a lie, we don t know that for sure. Yet). Anyway, there s only two days left until Christmas, so I m for sure taking it easy now. Have a merrier Christmas and enjoy the new year everyone. And to my friends, thank you.