Bringing Down The House, Movie Reaction, Funny ass Movie , Queen Latifah, Steve Martin
, BringingDownTheHouse, QueenLatifah, SteveMartin This is the 2nd movie in our marathon for our 1 year anniversary And bring down the house is ultimately one of my favorite movies and literally has me laughing all the way through starring Queen Latifah and Steve Martin, cameos or other roles by Betty White. Charlene and escaped convict but innocent messages a lawyer to help her clean her name from a bank robbery and her Ex is the one who sets her up Funny movie again from start to finish and we hope you all enjoy as much as we did Let us know how you feel about Bringing Down the House in the comments Like and Subscribe Full Reaction On Our Patreon: Whiite Gold TikTok: Follow Me On Social Media: WeTrapMusic IG: Website: EazyT