Ninja Gaiden II All Boss Fights with Cutscenes ( Master Ninja Mode)
This took a while to complete. . The boss fights honestly aren t too bad. It s the hundreds of explosive shuriken ninjas and ninja dogs. I ended up needing to heal during the Gigadeath fight, that fight is really broken. . I probably could have done it if started with full health and Ki but really didn t want to restart the game. Other than that I m pretty happy with the rest of these. Some nice quick kills on the Greater Fiends. Shadow Ninja Rasetsu: 0:00 Fiend Rasetsu: 3:01 Genshin 1st Fight: 4:42 Gigadeath: 9:00 Godomus: 12:02 Alexei, Master of Lightning: 13:41 Water Dragon: 16:03 Drunken Skeleton: 17:46 Volf, Ruler of Storms: 20:21 Genshin 2nd Fight: 22:34 Armadillo: 26:22 Godomus and Mechafiends: 27:52 Zedonius, Ruler of Flames: 29:43 Giant Skull Worm: 32:02 Twin Quetzalcoatl: 33:53 Elizébet, Ruler of Blood: 38:50 Genshin 3rd Fight: 42:07 Twin Armadillos: 44:45 Zedonius 2nd Fight: 47:01 Volf 2nd Fight: 49:19 Alexei 2nd Fight: 52:25 Fiend Genshin: 54:22 Elizébet 2nd Fight: 55:25 Dagra Dai: 59:28 The Arch