Genesis (1970 à 1983)
Par L. P Liste des morceaux: 1. Dancing With the Moonlit Knight 0:00 2. The Musical Box 8:04 3. Entangled 18:34 4. One for the Vine 25:00 5. The Knife 35:01 6. Hairless Heart 44:01 7. Burning Rope 46:15 8. Firth of Fifth 53:23 9. Carpet Crawlers 1:03:00 10. The Battle of Epping Forest 1:08:16 11. The Lamia 1:20:04 12. CuldeSac 1:27:01 13. Home by the Sea, Second Home by the Sea 1:32:07 14. After the Ordeal 1:43:23 15. Supper s Ready 1:47:39 16. Dance on a Volcano 2:10:33 17. In the Cage 2:16:27 18. Eleventh Earl of Mar 2:24:43 19. Stagnation 2:32:28 20. Duke s Travels, Duke s End 2:41:19 21. The Light Lies Down on Broadway, Riding the Scree 2:52:09 22. The Fountain of Samalcis 2:59:37 23. Horizon s 3:07:31 24. The Cinema Show, Aisle of Plenty 3:09:12