Rachel Rivers Part 3 Chiropractic ASMR IT Band Syndrome
Rachel Rivers Part 3 Chiropractic ASMR IT Band Syndrome This video is for educational purposes towards IT Band Syndrome passive modality treatment methods as well as ASMR listening for Chiropractic Adjustments Rachel Rivers: IG Dr. Christopher Dorsa: IG DISCLAIMER These videos and this channel are what I consider Chiropractic Entertainment Chiropractic Adjustments are a safe passive form of therapy that can help with certain types of pain and can be a great tool to help facilitate movement short term. They do not cure or fix a problem permanently. Exercise and PT are the only proven way to make longterm changes. These videos are designed for entertainment, fun reactions, or ASMR purposes only. Adjustments can not be specific, subluxation is not real, bones cannot be realig