4 K Snowfall in Saint Petersburg ( Christmas Walk) Night walk in Saint Petersburg in the Winter Snow
Christmas in Russia, commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ, is celebrated on 25 December in the Julian calendar used by the church, which falls on 7 January in the common Gregorian calendar. Christmas is considered a high holiday by the Russian Orthodox Church, one of the 12 Great Feasts, and one of only four of which are preceded by a period of fasting. History In Russia, the Christmas holiday became the official celebration with the baptism of Rus ordered by Prince Vladimir in the late 10th century. However, given the early Christian community Kievan Rus, celebration may have a longer history. During the earlymid Soviet period, religious celebrations were discouraged by the official state policy of atheism until 1936, but despite this, Christmas was marked by the Soviet regime on 25 December. Christmas tree and related decorations, the visit by giftgiving Ded Moroz (Дед Мороз Grandfather Frost ) and his granddaughter, Snegurochka (Снегуро