Dark Souls 3: Ashes of Ariandel DLC Sister Friede, Father Ariandel Blackflame Friede Boss Fight
Dark Souls 3: Ashes of Ariandel DLC Sister Friede, Father Ariandel Blackflame Friede Boss Fight Walkthrough To get access to the fight, you need to pull the switch in the pit of flies area (below where Sister Friede is sitting). You can now go into the hidden area behind, and start the boss fight. This boss is very hard, and has 3 whole phases. If you die during any you go back to the start. You must do all 3 in one go. Phase 1 Sister Friede Basic attacks, but Friede is very quick and will sidestep away the moment you get close. You need to be quick, and roll into her attacks so you can attack when she has that small recovery window. She will also teleport and go invisible. Most of the time, but not all the time, she ll end up behind you. When you see her teleport just run behind you and you ll see her. You can only see her when you are close to her. While she is invisible she ll charge up an execution which does a lot of damage if it hits you, and it s very hard to avoid if you don t find her while