Bujinkan Tasmania Kihon no Kiso
Bujinkan Tasmania Budo Dojo 徳武流水武神館武道道場 is at Bujinkan Anaguma Dojo. 9 October 2014 San Diego, CA, United States Kihon. We hear it over and over again throughout our training life. There are many ways to forge your mind, body and spirit ( shin gi tai ) through Kihon study. There are many ways to study and look at the meaning of kihon in physical practice. I look at the past to help me understand the present of what I see from the Shihan and Soke. How did they develop strong, straight taijutsu, straight minds and hearts, yet be able to bend with the winds of change ( henka bufu ikkan ) Kamae in one sense demonstrates the physical attitude and character of the practitioner. The straighter the spirit, the straighter and more beautiful the taijutsu. The study of the spirit is through Taijutsu. This is our moving meditation and the way we come to develop more self awareness of our bodies and personal character. Kihon is about purifying yourself while correcting your body and the bad habits we have develope