JCW Bloodymania IV
1. Officer Colt Cabana vs. The Weedman 2. Joey Ryan vs. Shawn Daivari vs. The Road Dogg 3. The Haters (Pauly Thomaselli Vito Thomaselli) vs. The Briscoes (Jay Briscoe Mark Briscoe) vs. The Kings Of Wrestling (Chris Hero Claudio Castagnoli) vs. The Ring Rydas (Ring Ryda Blue Ring Ryda Red) 4. Butterbean vs. Twinky Hop 5. Booker T vs. Tracy Smothers 6. Isabella Smothers vs. Isis 7. Balls Mahoney 2 Tuff Tony vs. Mad Man Pondo Necro Butcher 8. Corporal Robinson vs. Mike Knox vs. Raven