Hey guys Sorry I couldn t get this video out any sooner, but it has been nice to see some of the community s reaction to the map ahead of my first impressions and review video. Basically I think people need to set their expectations for this map and realize just how barren and inhospitable this part of the world is for not just people but also the natural world. Don t expect lots of forests and bushes and trees. This is a cold, and windswept land were almost nothing lives, but it is beautiful. So lets go take a flight in Razbam s AV8B NA Harrier II and talk about this very cool new map, what is does great and not so great 0:00:00 The Falkland Islands, Islas Malvinas 0:10:00 Patagonia, Tierra Del Fuego, Cape Horn System Specs DCS, Gaming PC: GPU: GeForce RTX 3090 CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i910900K CPU 5. 20GHz Memory: 64 GB RAM 3600mhz Current resolution: 2560 x 1080, 144Hz System Specs Dedicated Server, Video Ed