How to Catch a Leprechaun St Patricks Day Read Aloud
Kids Books: How to Catch a Leprechaun read aloud for children is a zany St. Patrick s Day read aloud that s SUPPOSED to teach us how to catch a it may prove to be impossible KidTime StoryTime is testing its luck with this popular book for kids to see if luck is on our side Published by our pals at Sourcebooks Kids, and written by the bestselling duo behind the entire How To Catch series, writer Adam Wallace and illustrator Andy Elkerton. VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR FREEBIES TEACHER STUFF: BUY THE BOOK HERE: BUY PERSONALIZED VIDEOS FROM STORYTELLER THE PUPPETS: SUBSCRIBE BECOME A KidTime StoryTimer KidTime StoryTime is a Kids YouTube Channel all about kids books read aloud with love, funny voices wacky entertain, educat