SOTT Earth Changes Summary April 2023: Extreme Weather, Planetary Upheaval, Meteor Fireballs
The warmmongers blame the residual activity of La Niña for the record cold and snow in April in some parts of the northern hemisphere. But as much as they would like to blame la Niña, there has been an ENSOneutral state for some time now. In addition, there is data suggesting a 60 chance of a transition to El Niño in MayJuly 2023, and that it could trigger a new spike in global temperatures. So, if things get warmer in some parts of the world and the media and climate authorities blame it on global warming, pay no attention to them. It s El Niño. We would like to remind our readers that the global climate is primarily controlled by solar activity, not by human activity or manmade C02. The same applies, of course, to phenomena such as El Niño y La Niña: It is not out of the question that there are physical links between energetic solar eruptions and El Niños. Whether these lines of reasoning turn out correct or spurious is of no