Multi LGBTQ+, Call Me By Your Name B DAY COLLAB
Please watch in 720 or 1080 HD + headphones :) Call me when you want, call me when you need Call me out by your name So today is MY BIRTHDAY Despite the pandemic, I ve been gained a lot of unexpected love and supports from everyone and I m really grateful for it One of the best things that I have a chance to collaborated with so many talented editors and have learnt so much from them So a specific gratitude for all those amazing people who participate in this collab and give me the best gift I can get: softoreos Alex Zach Hannibal Will Nelas Gao Shi De Zhou Shu Yi Sarawat Tine witchdaughter Eve Vilanelle Hope Lizzie delenaxjacey Adam Eric Isak Even serendipity. Draco Harry Theo Scott ElenaProdz Ian Mickey Alec Magnus SilentDaisy Han Seo Vincenzo My parts: Yo Han