Achtung Moths Aka German Pilots Take Over British Planes (1955)
Thruxton, Wiltshire. Tiger Moths planes, former property of RAF (Royal Air Force, are sold to Germans to be used for flying instruction exLuftwaffe pilots are to fly them home to Germany. GV. Tiger Moths lined up at Thruxton aerodrome in Wiltshire. SV. Pan, Tiger Moths lined up. SV. Planes. CU. German markings on tail of plane. SV. Squadron leader DoranWebb handing over papers to 47 year old, former Luftwaffe bomber pilot Captain Barnhard Schleager, pan over to Captain Schleager holding the papers. SCU. Werner Wegmann of Essen putting on a flying helmet alongside Tiger Moth. SV. Hans Staner of Bonn putting on flying coat. CU. Hans Staner buttoning up coat. SV. Werner Wegmann and Staner helping Rudolf Winter with his straps, who is sitting in cockpit. CU. Mechanic turning propellor and starting it. AV. Squadron leader DoranWebb on control tower giving signal for takeoff. LV. Pan, Tiger Moths taxiing away for takeoff. GV. Tiger Moths taking off. AS. Squadron leader DoranWebb watching from con