How to make a GRAPPLING HOOK GUN in Minecraft PE with command blocks
Оригинал видео: Все права на это видео принадлежат автору канала: This is a short tutorial on how to make a grappling hook gun in minecraft pe with command blocks. minecraft pe command blocks: grappling hook About this video App that I use to record: Rec. OR if I am recording on PC, then I use Windows Key + G to record screen and I use my phone to record sound. Video editing software )Main: Adobe Premiere Pro )Animations: Adobe After Effects )Thumbnail: Adobe photo shop Music(s) used ) jet saint first one or something i cant remember and im too lazy to look it up ma gash if u r wondering what music i used in dis vid den just ask me in the comMent section below awefawefaewf i bet no 1 will ask Social Media Twitter: Thank you so much for watching my video, and have a nice day :D