Dead Space animated comics Uncut, Remastered 1440p, Uncensored
This is remastered animated comics by the comic book Dead Space. I understand that many people make such films, but my version is different: 1. I added scene, which known as issue 0, but it doesn t true. It was an alternate scene for comic book, but I inserted it into logical moment, when it could be, not at the start, like others. 2. In any version of such videos many scenes were mirrored (like scene, where Bram came to Cortez Such scenes I made like in original comic book. 2 scenes where wrong when Natalia singled out Doc and Bram when they came to Marker. You can take comic book and compare my version and others with book. 3. Made colors mostly like in original comic book. 4. Characters speaks w, o censored. 5. Made 1440p qualiy via neural network. Have fun