Co L 06. Diabarha Singer Gunslinger
Solitude Such a beautiful wristwatch I bought now that s the only thing I look at, all day long. Hour by hour, wondering which one will be my last. Counting them up, and when they finally pass away wishing to spend them better. But can t travel in the past. Even if I could, what for To do nothing for the second time And here I am, sitting alone in empty room with my watch. No chair, no table because I don t need it anymore. No window, no doors I have covered them up, don t need them. Noone else but my wristwatch, which have already rised to level of being a separate soul for me. With its most precious resource it can give to me a drop of time. What else do I need Lyrics EN: Verse 1 Look at me; I am your diamond, jewel out of store Shiny, icy, sharp and spicy, this I have been made for Would you ever die for me, the one you only cared I can t ask it s not my task answer is same as your heart is I am your v