Armageddon Far Away Nickelback
Watch in HD; ) This is an emotional and nostalgic tribute for the movie of Armageddon directed by Michael Bay. I used Far Away by Nickelback. Bruce Willis plays Harry Stamper, owner of his oil company, and comes to odds with Ben Afflecks A. J., his employee who has been secretly dating his daughter (Liv Tyler). Armageddon is more emotional than it ought to be. The ending is fraught with the right stuff, even if clichéd; it balances its comic action and tearjerking scenes with ease. But the film is even soulful at times (yes, I said it). A scene between Tyler and Affleck as they discuss love and why Earth is worth saving is sweet. Harry rips off air hose and shoves him back inside, telling him he is the son he never had and would be proud to have him marry Grace. Before preparing to detonate the bomb, Harry contacts Grace to say his last goodbyes. After various lastminute difficulties, Freedom moves to a safe distance and Harry pushes the button