Bruno Frazatto II Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Grappling
Chapter 1: DeLaRiva Guard 1. Pulling DLR and getting sleeve and collar control 2. DLR to omoplata 3. DLR tomoe nage Chapter 2: Berimbolo 4. How to get opponent to sit 5. Taking the back using berimbolo 6. Berimbolo to leg drag pass Chapter 3: Passing the Guard 7. Passing RDLR with leg drag 8. RDLR smash pass 9. RDLR knee slide pass 10. RDLR knee slide long step pass 11. RDLR knee slide long step pass to the back Chapter 4: Side Attacks 12. Establish side control from standing 13. Long step pass from sitting guard to side control 14. RDLR long step pass to side control 15. RDLR Leg drag pass Chapter 5: Leg Drag Position 16. Taking back with chairsit 17. Stretch opponent out to back control 18. Controlling back of a rolling opponent 19. Take back of turtled opponent 20. Take back of turtled opponent using a forward roll Chapter 6: RDLR Guard 21. RDLR shield position to tomoe nage 22. Failed tomoe nage to back using KOTD (hate the name kiss of the dragon) 23. RDLR shield KOTD 24. RDLR shield to reverse xgu