Swimming Pool, I want to go to Baby Pool, Short Cartoon for Children, Pants Bear
Its a warm sunny day and the Bear family are heading to the pool for a swim. Pants Bear isvery excited to swim until everyone wants to jump into the big swimming pool, but Pants Bear is not ready to join them yet. Keep on watching to learn how the family compromises and help Pants Bear to overcome his fear. . .. Welcome to Pants Bears official channel, little bears. Pants Bear invites you to the land of Bearry Mountain where he lives his family, Papa Bear, Mama Bear, his sister and his brother, Max. Pants Bears two favourite things in this whole wide world is to play, and his pants which he wears all the time Join Pants Bear on his adventures to learn something new about his exciting world. Follow Pants Bear to stay up to date on all of his adventures Facebook Instagram Website Don t forget to subscribe to Pants Bear s official cha