Paleowolf Moropus, Chalicotherium ( Cenozoic, 2021)
Moropus is a track from the newly released full length album Cenozoic, channeling the prehistoric animalism in pure form through the totemic representation of creatures that once roamed the ancient Earth. With massive powerful drums, shamanic chants, tribal grunts and dark, cavernous soundscapes, the journey to the prehistory continues. Full album: Chalicotherium (name meaning Pebble Beast ) is a genus of oddtoed ungulates. These large prehistoric mammals are distantly related to modern horses, tapirs, and rhinos and were also a branch of their own. On average, the males measured 10 feet (3 m) in height whereas the females measured 8. 6 feet (2. 6 m) tall, and both weighed over 700 kilograms. Chalicotherium were built like modern apes, with powerful forelimbs that were much longer than their hind legs and ended in hooklike claws that were