Udemy Master Time Series Analysis and Forecasting with Python 2025 2024 11 25
Part 25 (1:38:12) 31 ARIMA, SARIMA and SARIMAX 0:00:00 416 Python Challenge Solutions 0:16:05 417 Choosing Regressors 32 TensorFlow Structural Time Series 0:19:18 418 Game Plan 0:19:52 419 Structural Time Series 0:21:47 420 Python Prepare Script 0:24:25 421 TensorFlow Structural Time Series 0:25:55 422 Python Regressors 0:30:34 423 Python Isolate Dependent Variable 0:31:56 424 Python Weekly Seasonality 0:35:08 425 Python Monthly Seasonality 0:39:11 426 Python Trend and Autoregressive Terms 0:41:49 427 Python TensorFlow Model 0:45:04 428 Monte Carlo and Bayes Theorem 0:49:33 429 Python Fitting Model 0:53:23 430 Python Forecasting 0:56:08 431 Python Formatting Predictions 0:59:05 432 Python Visualization, Assessment and Exporting 1:02:19 433 Pros, Cons and Challenge 1:08:22 434 Python Challenge Solutions 33 Facebook Prophet 1:30:18 435 Game Plan 1:31:17 436 Facebook Prophet Introduction 1:35:14 437 Python Importing Libraries and Data