Robag Wruhme Pnom Gobal ( PAMPACD002)
Release date: february 24, 2011 available here: You don t know what to expect with the pampas. There are no guideposts, because there is nowhere to direct to. In fact, you trust your inspiration, which you find in the blowing of the wind and the scratching of the gobbler. It s an attitude like this, that is used by the label maker DJ Koze and Pampa acts like Jackmate and Isolée to make their contact with House music. It s an encounter with an open end. When musical clichés are forgotten, they look at the music with children s eyes. In January Gabor Schablitzki released his first track for Pampa under his majestic and well known alias Robag Wruhme. Koze knew that behind Thora Vukk was way more than what met the eye. Schablizki remembers: Stefan (Kozalla) told me : If you re in the flow right now, then produce an album So I did, which took me half a year. During this time I worked a lot with piano Rhodes and field recordings. Stefan recognized this