A Performance Guide to Flexibility
There are many ways to develop your flexibility and it is a BIG part of climbing performance. It must not be neglected if you are serious about climbing. Yoga is a great example and can work extremely well. Others prefer to spend time in long passive stretches in front of the TV. In this video we bring you some training methods that are perhaps less wellknown but have a great ability to transfer to climbing performance. We are utilising the strengthflexibility relationship and using weights or leverage to increase the intensity of the stretch. Many of these methods have drawn inspiration from coaches working in Gymnastics, Dance and Martial Arts where flexibility must be displayed very actively, with strength and precision. And it works for climbing too, we ve seen this first hand with our clients In this episode we cover some fundamental concepts which help you gain flexibility fast And then we show you two excellent sessions that work for common sport climbing terrain and steep bouldering movements. Rem