Is There Anything Wrong With Living for Your Own Pleasure Too Much
Is there anything wrong with living for your own pleasure too much We live within laws of nature, which develop us according to a certain plan in order to reach a destination where we will harmoniously connect with each other and discover the positive force of love, giving and connection that dwells in nature. Toward that happy ending, nature created us in an opposite quality to its ownas egoists, while nature and its laws operate altruisticallyin order for us to develop a realization of our egoistic nature as flawed, and come to want an inversion to a new altruistic nature, which accords with natures laws. We thus have a period in our development when we grow through our egoistic desires, enjoying materialistically for our own personal pleasure, and another period when we start feeling increasing emptiness in our constant pursuit for selfbenefit. The latter feeling characterizes our current era. Today, we experience our egoistic desires reaching a threshold where they can no longer