Popular Japanese RPG Embraces Blockchain: News Interviews
Shot at Kyoto IVS Crypto 2024 David, our News Product Manager, speaks with Junichi Kanayama, producer of KanpaniGirls Re:BLOOM by DM2C. Kanpani Girls Re:BLOOM is a blockchain game developed by DM2C Studio, a subsidiary of DMM. The Market offers players freedom to trade NFTcompatible characters and items with tokens, and nonNFT items with ingame Gold. Check it out now below REBLOOMje3ih , IVScrypto, kanpanigirls, anime, blockchaingaming, gaming Subscribe to our channel and hit the bell icon to get notifications: Who are we At we create tools that bring more economic freedom to the world. Since 2015, has been a global leader in introducing newcomers to crypto. We make it easy for anyone to buy, spend, trade, invest, earn, and stay uptodate on cryptocurrency