Surf Rowing Australia Promo 2021
A division of HSM Group (Hickey Sports Marketing) Director PETER HICKEY has a life long personal history and love of Surf Boat Rowing. His vision for Surf Boat Rowing is to develop the sport to an elite level. HSM Group is the industry leader in the promotion of Surf Boat Racing across Australia incorporating management and development under one property Surf Rowing Australia. HICKEY SPORTS MARKETING was proudly instrumental in securing the long term relationship for Surf Boat Rowers and The Royal Australian Navy. The alliance between the Surf Boat Rowers and Navy was a perfect fit both cultures being made up of fit, healthy Australians in boats providing a community service for Australians. HSM Group creates effective commercial partnerships in sport with the ability to tailor unique event properties catering for the individual requirements of their partners. By providing challenging competitive rowing experiences and promoting the sport using digital media and television Surf Rowing Australia a