You are willing to endure this , WMSCOG
Stars in the Desert Starlight Letter, The Greatest Pain in the World, has been created by the Church of God. It takes 10 months from conception to birth; it is not just time passing by. Mothers experience various pains along with tremendous changes in their bodies; sometimes even risking their lives. Through one mothers story who endured extreme pain while giving birth under dangerous circumstances for both her fetus and herself, we capture how great maternal love is and how precious everyone who received that love is. The texts, pictures, and videos were produced by the Church of God Publication Mission Center, and the background piece of music was composed and rearranged, based on a New Song by the Church of God New Song Mission Center. , StarsintheDesert, StarlightLetter, ChurchofGod, WMSCOG, NewSong, MaternalLove, MothersLove, PregnantWoman, Pain, MiracleofBirth, GoodStory, InspiringStory About Stars in the Desert This virtual content has