Abby Ellie, Get the fuck off me, The Last of Us 2, 4 K
HD is your best friend + headphones for best experience Hellooouu everyone I know I should ve uploading my other projects. Just those I am doing is taking so much to render, also that is crashing every damn moment I try to render. sighs (I am trying hard to find solutions tho) This one I made it last night (Fortunately without crashes), because I just forced my dad to watch this videogame with me. He isn t a fan of videogames. But actually, after he watched the whole videogame, he really enjoyed from the first part to the second one. Then he told me about how badly he loves Ellie and Abby. How incredible power they have all together. I told him that Abby is mostly hated from many people. And he said that he really likes her. He understands why she did what she did. So do I. But he made clear that he is team Ellie since he could see her whole innocence from the first game, but if Abby would have appeared from the first game, he probably woul br, br,