Jim Martin (former Faith No More Guitarist) Around Sun
Winston Churchill What was gunpowder Trivial. What was electricity Meaningless. The atomic bomb is the Second Coming in Jim MartinAround The Sun from his album Milk and Blood From 1997 I believe. Buy it If the radiance of a thousand suns were to burst forth at once in the sky, that would be like the splendor of the Mighty am become Death, the shatterer of Bhagavad Gita, the sacred Hindu epic recalled by J. Robert Oppenheimer while viewing the first nuclear explosion in Alamagordo, New Mexico, July 16, 1945 And just at that instant there rose as if from the bowels of the earth a light not of this world, the light of many suns in one. It was a sunrise such as the world had never seen, a great green supersun climbing in a fraction of a second to a height of more than eight thousand feet, rising ever higher until it touched the clouds, lighting up earth and sky all around with dazzling luminosity. Up it went, a great