Globalists Are Prepping FINLAND To Be The Next Proxy War, Prof. Tuomas Malinen
Ukraine was sacrificed on the altar of neocon globalist worlddomination fantasies. And the people responsible for this are not done with Europe. The crazy thing is, that the globalist elites of European nations are fine with the prospect of their states becoming the next proxywar battle ground. They are whole heartedly invested in TransAtlantic world domination. No better example of this than what is currently happening in Scandinavia. On Monday, July 1, Finlands parliament approved unanimously a brand new military treaty with the US, granting the USnot NATOunprecedented military rights in 15 bases, just next to Russias NorthWestern border. What is happening here How did we go from Finnish neutrality to unfettered US base building in less than 2 years I know we have talked about this before here but its a monumental shift in Europes security structure that deserves a lot of attention. To help make sense of it, I reached out to Tuomas Malinen, wo is an Associate Professor of