Tim Walz LIVE: Tim Walz Slams Trump Vance, Tim Walz Milwaukee Rally, US Elections 2024, N18 G
Tim Walz LIVE: Walz Speaks with Union Members at Labor Day Campaign Rally in Milwaukee, Kamala Harris, USA News, cnbc tv18 Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz proudly boasted his ties to organized labor at a union event in Milwaukee on Monday, celebrating Labor Day by declaring himself in the pocket of unions. The Democratic vice presidential nominee detailed his union membership as a former public school teacher, his record of backing unions in Congress and as Minnesotas governor, and Vice President Kamala Harris support of unions. Walz challenged Republicans to attack his support for unions while defending collective bargaining rights and fair working conditions. Republicans came up to me in one of my campaigns and they said, Tim is in the pocket of organized labor. I said, thats a damn lie. I am the pocket. And I told them, if you want to attack me for standing up for collective bargaining, for fair wages, for safe working conditions, for health care and retirement, you roll the damn dice. I