Hillbilly Casino Nashville Boogie 2017
Hillbilly Casino play the third annual Nashville Boogie, held at the Gaylord Opryland Resort, May 19, 2017. Set List: Crutchero 0:00, Debt with the Devil 1:15 You Got Me 4:25 Give it All Up 7:40 Lowdown 11:18 More Blues than Green 15:09 The Hole 17:50 (Nashville Boogie Villain interlude 21:15) C mon Everybody (with Chops McClintock) 25:00 How do You Think 28:02 Trainwreck 31:36 Dog on a Chain 35:14 Jibber Jabber 38:03 Violets in May 42:25 Knockin at Your Door 50:30 She s Got Tricks 52:33 Tennessee (Carl Perkins) 55:10, Tennessee Stomp 55:46