Add VEINS to your MODEL HORSE CUSTOM How to Customize a Breyer
DeeJayBe Darynn Bednarczyk Model HorsesCustomizingTutorials Rayvin Maddock of Krysalis Studios TOOLS Cerne Relief for Veins Nail Tees Fine Point QTips 3M Respirator Mask with Particle Filters Vapour, Paint Filters Disposable Vapour, Paint Filters Replaceable Winsor Newton Series 7 Kolinsky Sable Brush Size, 0 Good for traditional hairing and markings Size, 00 Good for Fine Traditional hairing, intricate markings, eye detailing Size, 000 Good for Stablemate Hairing, eyes, small micro detail. Winsor Newton Professional Acrylic Paint DecoArt Americana Acyrlic Craft Paint DecoArt Triple Thick Gloss Glaze Iwata Eclipse H