Anglo Saxon England
This is the North Sea sometimes Commons move sometimes stormy and treacherous across which there has been an ebb and flow of peoples to Britain over many centuries. Hour period begins when the Roman troops were being withdrawn and the Romano British population were left to fend for themselves. Saxons and Franks were raiding the shores. Dover was the port nearest to the continent of Europe and a lighthouse guided the merchant shipping safely across the waters from goal. During the four hundred years of Roman occupation in the face of the country had changed completely. Trade and prosperity had greatly increased towns are developed and there was an extensive network of good roads by four hundred a day in the Roman army had many serving Anglo Saxons and their families have been allowed to join them in an attempt to minimize the danger caused by the withdrawal of Roman troops and the frequent raids on the east coast long before there is a chain of force have been built to combat this danger the socalled Saxon sh