Oranges And Lemons (1956)
M, S looking along The Strand in London as traffic passes; St Clement Danes Church is seen in the background, the tower covered in scaffolding; M, S of the church, with the tower behind a fretwork of scaffolding (wartime damage is being repaired). M, S looking up through an archway at one of the smaller towers. Commentator talks of the history of the area and how the fruit porter s route once led through Clement s Inn, and a toll of oranges was levied here on merchants bringing citrus fruits from the Mediterranean to the big markets of London. Great high angle shots of Covent Garden Market; showing trucks moving slowly along, loaded with crates, and being unpacked. M, Ss in Long Acre as crates of oranges are unloaded from a lorry. M, S of some children playing Oranges and Lemons on the cobbled stones in the market. Cut to M, S of a group of children in Spain, wearing traditional costume and playing their version of Oranges and Lemons before and orange grove; M, S of four children sitting and watching t