2020 is full of news like this, , FULL EPISODE, , LOL Comedi Ha
Seen some of these jokes as single sketches We ve decided to bring our old series as COMPLETE FULL episodes for EVERYONE Once we ve pulled out the full episodes, we can then move on to the NEW SERIES for the faithful FAITHFUL FANS Did you guys hear the news today 2020 is shocking isn t it Lol :) Comediha is our tv show that we are bringing right to you in a lol montage. All your favorite actor s reactions in short sketches and gorgeous settings. Watch in these funny moments shocking news today; 70 police precinct, airplane inventors, and a lazy factory worker, all in a memes compilation. Starring Réal Bossé, Martin Drainville, Julie Ménard, Sylvie Moreau, and Antoine Vézina, Cathleen Rouleau and Clauter Alexandre , Laughteristhebestmedecine, LOLComediHa, Comedygold Trump with Covid