For those who still doubt that DEW ( Directed Energy Weapons) do not exist, this video made by Greg Reese may help, and in lig
For those who still doubt that DEW (Directed Energy Weapons) do not exist, this video made by Greg Reese may help, and in light of the recent events of strange and unnatural fires in Lahaina, Hawaii. Pay attention to the blue objects that have not burned and on cars that literally melted and were not even close to the fire. Za one koji i dalje sumnjaju da DEW (Directed Energy Weapons) kao energetsko oružje direktnog usmeravajućeg dejstva ne postoji možda pomogne ovaj video prilog Greg Risa, a u svetlu skorašnjih događaja čudnih i neprirodnih požara u Lahaeni na Havajima. Obratite pažnju na plave predmete koji nisu izgoreli kao i na automobile koji su se bukvalno istopili, a nisu bili ni blizu požara. Источник: iSTiNA t. me, iSTiNiTO